Epson KDS - How to Change Background & Text Colors

A short tutorial that shows you how to change the text and background color of your Epson KDS when using MicroTouch Displays.

Experimenting with colors of your items and modifiers, or even backgrounds on Epson KDS, is one of the best ways to ensure that all members of your staff and see and read the displays clearly.

With MicroTouch hardware, Epson KDS makes it easier than ever to make quick adjustments, even in the middle of service.

To get started, open up a web browser on your computer, and type in the IP address of one of your Epson KDS devices.

Click here to learn how to get the IP address of your Epson KDS.

Then, login using the default username and password.


Password: 123456


Once logged in, click on Layout along the top, and then select Tickets on the left. Click the three dots icon in the top right corner of your ticket template, and the select Edit.



From here you can change the colors of any aspect of your tickets from item text, modifiers, special instructions, voided items, and more.

To the left you will see a live mock up of what your ticket will look like when an order is sent.

If you prefer, you can also explore color templates using the dropdown to the right of Select Color Theme. This can provide a quick and easy way to ensure your KDS screens can be used by all members of your staff.

Once you are finished, click Save in the top right corner, and then click Publish just above it to send the changes to all of your displays.


Note that it is possible to have different color schemes for each screen in your restaurant. This would involve creating additional ticket templates by clicking Add New Ticket instead of editing an existing one. From there, navigate to Grids  on the left and select which ticket template you want associated with which grid.


Then navigate to your Stations and select the grid you want shown on that specific display.


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