Epson KDS & MicroTouch

A short article showing Epson KDS's new hardware with MicroTouch.

Epson has premiered a newer KDS platform with MicroTouch's All in One touch screen displays and media players. This promises a smooth onboarding process, and easy to use KDS Configurator to change settings like text and background color.

epson_kds_microtouch_displayThis All-in-One (AiO) computer will act as your Epson KDS display, and touch screen. The display simply needs to be connected to power, and your network router or switch via an ethernet cable.

Please note, that the cable connections may be covered by a plate. You will need to remove the plate before you can connect anything.


You may also use a Media Player from MicroTouch, to use Epson KDS on a smaller or bigger screen than what is offered by MicroTouch.


Like the display, this small computer will come equipped with the Epson KDS software. You will need to connect this device to power, your network via an ethernet cable, and your display via an HDMI cable.

If you are using a touch screen, you will also have a USB cable that connects your Media Player to your display. Without this cable, you will be unable to interact with your orders using the touch screen.

When being onboarded with Epson KDS, our onboarding or support teams will need to connect all of your devices using the Epson KDS Configurator. You can learn more about this software here.

Once that has been done, you can start using your new Epson KDS system with your Lavu POS iPads.


For further support, please contact our 24/7 customer support team at 505-535-5288 or email