Lavu Reports - Change Bank Report

A brief overview of the Change Bank report in the Cash Management section of your reports.

The Change Bank report is a simple report that displays entries from the Change Bank tool of Vault Management in the Lavu POS app. The Change Bank tool allows you to enter the current balance for your safe in the Lavu POS app. Any entries in the Change Bank tool will be accessible in the Change Bank report in the Lavu Control Panel.

To find the Change Bank report in the Control Panel, click on Reports in the left-hand side menu, and select Cash Management. The Change Bank report is the first report on this page.


You can set the date range of the report easily by selecting Day, Month, or Year. Additionally, you can set a custom date range when Day is selected.


You can export the report in CSV format by clicking the EXPORT TO CSV button. CSV files can be opened by most spreadsheet programs like Excel and Google Sheets.


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