Meal Periods

A short article showing you how to create and use Meal Periods to bolster your reports in the Lavu Control Panel.

In this article, you will learn how to set up meal periods for your restaurant. Meal Periods are a reporting tool in Lavu that can offer valuable insight into your sales during specific times of the day.

Creating Meal Periods

Log into your Lavu Control Panel, click on Settings, then Location. At the top of the page, select Meal Periods.


To create new Meal periods, simply type a name under Meal Period Types, and click on Create.


To assign a time frame for your new meal period, scroll down to the second section titled Meal Periods, select your new label from the dropdown, and specify when the Meal Period should be active.

From the Day dropdown, you have options like Weekdays, Weekends, All Days, and Custom to more easily create your meal periods. When you are finished, click on Create.


Edit and Delete Meal Periods

You can edit the name or delete any existing meal periods by using the section just above setting the time frame for your meal periods. Simply select it from the dropdown, and choose either Modify or Delete. Deleting a Meal Period here will completley remove it from your account.


If you simply want to delete the time frame you had set for your Meal Period, scroll down to the View/Delete section of the page, and click on Delete. You will still have the ability to set new time frames for this meal period, as it won't be removed from your account.


Process Previous Orders

If you have been using Lavu for some time, and you just now decide to start using Meal Periods, you have a one time option to process previous orders based on your settings. This will allow you to see historic data with your meal periods retroactively applied.

From the Meal Periods page, simply click on Apply next to "Apply to previous orders".


Meal Periods in Reports

Meal periods show up in a variety or reports like the sales & payment reports, but also in the Live Labor report under Management Tools.



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