Getting Started with Lavu Integrated Payments - Canada

Getting Started with Lavu Integrated Payments - Canada

Initiating the LIP – Canada Payment Solution for Your Restaurant

See related articles linked at the bottom of this page for additional information.

Contact your Lavu POS Specialist ( to enable your Lavu POS.

Setting Up Your Network and Terminal

  • Work with your designated IT professional to complete the first two steps of the network requirements (IP Forwarding Set-Up) for this terminal.
  • Step three: You will need to plug in and connect your reader in order to complete this step. 
  • Finally, contact your Lavu Payments Specialist to pair your terminal with your Lavu POS. This may require scheduling an appointment.

Contacting Your Payments Team to Onboard Your Terminal

The Lavu Payments team will assist you to onboard your iCT250 to your Lavu POS account. Simply call 833-831-5288 or send an email to  to schedule this service.

For any further support, please contact our 24/7 customer support team at 505-535-5288 or email