POS - Tabs Layout Overview

POS - Tabs Layout Overview

Tabs is the name of the Lavu layout best suited to bartenders and over the phone orders because, it allows you to create named orders for patrons. 



  1. Tap on the Plus sign in the bottom left of the screen
  2. Either:
    1. Enter a name for the tab
    2. Swipe a debit or credit card to start a pre-authorization
    3. Tap your username to use that to name the tab
    4. You can also use the Quick Serve button if the customer does not want to start a tab
  3. Add items to the order
  4. Tap either Save or Send (Save if you want to save the item without printing it, Send if you want to print a kitchen ticket.)
  5. Tap Tabs to return to the Tabs view
Just like with Tables, there is a color system for tabs.
  • Blue tabs are active orders
  • Green tabs are orders whose check has been printed
  • Orange tabs are orders who are having their order sent to the kitchen using the Hold & Fire feature


For any further support, please reach out to our 24/7 customer support team at 505-535-5288 or email .