Order Types

A short article showing you how to create Order Types, and how to use them to provide tax exmeptions.

Order Types are an aspect of the POS that can greatly improve tracking data in your reports. Order types are applied to all orders by default, but can be changed by accessing the order's settings.

Your account comes with default Order Types like Dine In, Pickup, and Carry Out. You can add or remove order types from your Control Panel.

Log into your Lavu Control Panel (cp.poslavu.com), click on Settings and then Location. At the top of the screen, click on Order Types.


On this page, you can click the green Add Type button near the bottom of the page to create new order types to use in the POS. To remove them, simply click on the X to the right of the order type you wish to remove.

Don't forget to click Save after making any changes.


Note: Next to each order type, you can dictate whether or not those orders are taxed normally, or if they are tax exempt. This can be used to accommodate tax laws in your area. Be sure to consult a local tax expert if you have any questions regarding those laws.

The settings above allow you to set default order types for orders started in the different service layouts (Quick Serve, Tables, and Tabs).


The last setting in this section allows you to use your order types as forced modifiers. What this allows you to do is more directly communicate to the kitchen what kind of order they should be preparing (dine in or take out).

This also allows you to grant tax exemptions on a single item in an order, while keeping the rest of the order taxed as normal.

With this setting enabled, you will have a new button added to your forced modifier page. Next to the Add Choice button you see when adding options to a modifier list, will now be a green Add Order Type Choice button. This gives you a dropdown menu where you can select from your available order types.


Note: As mentioned before, consult a local tax expert to see if this is something you need to accommodate for. Otherwise, you can leave the setting disabled.


For any further support, please reach out to our 24/7 customer support team at 505-535-5288 or email .