The End of Day Overview V2 Report

A short article detailing what can be found in the Overview V2 report, and all the changes and additions that have been made.

Lavu has two versions of the End of Day report. Click here to learn about the old version of the Overview report.

The End of Day Overview V2 report makes several enhancements to Lavu's Overview reports.

There are still sections for Actual Take InExpected Take In, and Reconciliation, but there are now new sections for Server ViewVoids & Refunds, and Tips.


If you are familiar with the older version of Lavu's End of Day report, then these first three sections will be very familiar.

The Actual Take In section provides you with information about your payments. Which payment methods were used to pay for orders, totals for tips, gratuity, and refunds are also seen here.


In Expected Take In, you will find information related to what you sold through your orders. Totals for your menu items, and categories, as well as totals for taxes and discounts can be found in this section.


Reconciliation simply compares these previous two numbers. Ideally, your payments and sales would match each other, so your reconciliation number would be $0.00. However, if it is not $0.00, the reconciliation section will explain why that may be. Common reasons include unpaid orders, and gift card sales that are not tracked until they are redeemed.


The Server View gives you access to your server's server summaries, as well sales and payment totals. You can access server summaries by clicking on your employees' names at the top of the report.


Tips will give you a breakdown of tips and gratuity earned by each server.


Finally, Refunds & Voids will give you respective totals for each of your servers. Refunds will be displayed by each individual order, while voided items can be displayed in a number of ways, including individual items, by server, and more.


Note: If an entire order is voided it will NOT be displayed here. Please refer to your Voided Sales report under Sales & Payments in the Control Panel.

For any further support, please reach out to our 24/7 customer support team at 505-535-5288 or email .