Setting a Static IP Address to the Epson TM-m30iii Thermal Receipt Printer

A walkthrough article that will show you each step in setting a static IP address to your new printer.

Epson's newest printers come with a new user interface when setting a static IP address from a web browser. This article will walk you through this new interface, and provide examples of what should be entered into each field.

If you have not already, we highly recommend the basic Epson Printer Setup article. This will go over simple steps when it comes to physically setting up your printer, as well as creating the printer profile in your Control Panel. This article will focus solely on setting a static IP address, which we recommend for all restaurants.

Find Your Current IP Address

Finding the current IP address of your printer remains the same as older Epson printers. Once connected to power and your network (with an ethernet cable), you will receive a small print out with the current IP address.


If you do not receive this print out, press and hold the reset button on the bottom of the printer for 5 seconds. Once you let go, a longer print out will be printed with the IP address.

Configure Your Printer Through a Web Browser

We recommend using either Safari, or Microsoft Edge when configuring your printer through a web browser. Google Chrome will sometimes block the configuration page entirely.

With the printer's IP address, and a laptop or iPad with a web browser, type in the IP address into the address bar at the top.


If you are presented with a warning page, click on More Information (or See More) to get into the configuration page.


Click on Administrator Login in the top right corner, and enter the printer's serial number for the password. Once logged in, click on the Network tab in the top left corner.


On the following page, set the following settings:

  • Obtain IP Address to Manual
  • IP Address to a valid address within your range (scroll down for more details)
  • Subnet Mask to
  • Default Gateway to the IP address of your router (scroll down for more details)
  • DNS Server Setting to Manual
  • Primary DNS to
  • Secondary DNS to

Everything else can be left at their default values. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next when you are finished.


A valid IP address will follow the same first three digits of all other addresses on your network. The fourth number should be a number between 200 and 255, that isn't already being used by another printer.

For example, if you already have one printer set to, then you should NOT use the number 200 again. Instead, use 201.

You can checl the IP addresses of your other printers in your Control Panel.

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on Printers/Technical
  3. Click on Printers/KDS at the top of the page
  4. Scroll down to view your printer profiles


The first three digits of your printer's IP address should all be the same. In the example above, those numbers are 192.168.0.

If you don't have any printer profiles setup yet, you can check the IP address of your iPad to see what those first three numbers should be.

Navigate to your wifi settings, and tap on the wifi you are connected to. Then scroll down and you will see an IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.


Unlike IP addresses, which should all be different, the Subnet Mask and Default Gateway will be the same for every device you have connected. That means every iPad, printer, smart phone, card reader, and more will share the same Subnet Mask and Default Gateway.


Once you have finished making changes, click OK on the next page to save your settings. Your printer will restart automatically, and apply your new setting changes.


For any further support, please reach out to our 24/7 customer support team at 505-535-5288 or email .